
Apr 24, 2010

Jack & the Beanstalk - Compositions 2 & 3 Color Studies

Continuing my work on the next two compositions for Jack & the Beanstalk.  Based on review of my previously posted line art, I made a few changes to the layouts, first.  Then I developed black & white value studies in Photoshop, which were then colored via a "Color" layer on top of the value studies.  It was a nice, quick way to keep my values but add color.  Below are the results:
I like the second one down in both cases.  Really digging that "Red October" sky.  At some point, I'm really going to have to scratch this itch I have to do a night scene with stars...cause stars are just awesome.  Supposed to have about 30-40% of the finals for these done by Tuesday, so check back for progress..

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