
Sep 4, 2011

Digital Storyboarding - Week 1

My next class is the one I am most excited about: Digital Storyboarding for Feature Animation.  This class is being taught by three DreamWorks Story Artists--Jeff Snow, Louie del Carmen, and Rad Sechrist--who each get to teach the course for 5 weeks (in that order).  Very exciting!!

The first class was a lot of introducing ourselves (boring), but Jeff Snow showed us some of the amazing stuff he's been working on, including some great Marvel storyboards with Spiderman and Iron Man.  We're talking sworn to secrecy, classified, this gets out and I have to kill you kinds of stuff here, folks.  Mr. Snow has been working in the industry for 20 years, 15 of which have been at DreamWorks.  He is also in charge of the DreamWorks Story Initiative program.

Our first homework assignment was to create a single image that tells the story of "The Letter".  Lots of options for interpretation, but I settled on this one:
The Letter
Drawn digitally using SketchbookPro.

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