
Apr 29, 2011

Figurative Concepts, Part 3: The Clothed Figure 3 Preview/Clothed Figure Drawing Flashback

The last five weeks of my Figurative Concepts class are dedicated to studying the clothed figure.  Knowing that I'm going to go through an entire fifteen weeks of clothed figure next semester (since I will be taking "Clothed Figure 3"), I can't help but feel a tad uninterested.  Let us not forget that I had also taken a clothed figure class my first semester here (called "Clothed Figure Drawing").  So, yeah, here are some more clothed figure drawings to add to that pile:

Apr 15, 2011

The Last of the Portraitans

Today was the last day of drawing Mohicans... I mean portraits in my Figurative Concepts class.  Dottie was our model, and while I didn't capture her likeness, it was still a fairly pleasing way to end my portrait drawing career here at the Academy (by which I mean I had better not have to ever draw them again).
And the homework for the week, which I forgot to post the other day, was an EXTREME Self-Portrait*.  [*Basically just a self-portrait where we use our hands to push around our facial features.]

Apr 12, 2011

25 Expressions - Rapunzel

One of the assignments due this week for Michael Buffington's Character Design class was the 25 Essential Expressions Challenge.  For this assignment, now stay with me on this, we essentially had to pick a character and draw them acting out 25 different expressions.  As we all know, Disney's Tangled just came out on Blu-Ray/DVD and it is just so fantastic and inspiring.  Then when you add in the "Art of" book with all those Glen Keane drawings in it??  ...well, I thought I'd go digging where the inspiration was ready to explode, hoping I'd find some gold or oil or at least a diamond in the rough.  So for my character, I chose Rapunzel.

My feelings towards this project can probably best be described through the drawings I spent hours and hours on:

At first when I finished, I was all
and when I thought about how much time I had spent, I was very
And then I started to wonder 
and even felt a little 

I was 

by what I saw!  I mean, I thought I was pretty 

with the pencil, but what lay before me just made me 

I was


at the same time.  How could I be so

about this assignment and end up feeling so
And I know right now you're all 

but I am not being 

when I say that I was filled with 

But then I posted a picture of my sketches on Facebook, and my Friends said i was just being

and I was pretty 

by that.  It definitely made me feel more 

and I am extremely 

to feel that support from those around me.  The 

that my drawings weren't any good was washed away in a moment of 

I'm still not completely

with the results, but I'm

of drawing Rapunzel expressions.  Now that I'm done, it's time to get

And when I drink, I get quite

so watch out ladies.

Oh, and I also drew this one:

but I don't really know what it means.

I think that's all 25 of 'em.  You can also go over to my deviantART page and download the complete collection in a pretty large format and with some quick color slapped on.  Oh, and here are a few of the warm-up sketches that I did based on Glen Keane's amazingness:

Rapunzel and related entities © The Walt Disney Company.

*UPDATE: So I turned in this assignment today, and it went over well.  Apparently I got an "A++" on it.  Not sure what kind of a grading scale that is.  Michael Buffington payed me an awesome compliment though, stating that I have so much potential that he can see me with my own booth at next year's WonderCon or CTN.  Great motivation to keep at it. :^)

Apr 8, 2011

Portrait Drawing, Week 4

Fourth in-class portrait drawing for my Figurative Concepts class.  Wasn't quite feeling it today; drew him too bulky, among other things.  Only one week of portraits left before me move on to clothed figure!

Apr 5, 2011

Character Design, Weeks 8 & 9

In this week's Character Design class, we took a trip under the sea! our minds!

Seriously, though, the model had made her own mermaid costume, which was an absolute inspiration and a real blast to draw.  Unfortunately, we had a shortened model session due to a maquette lecture, but here are some of the poses I had time to catch (or hook, if you will):
And, just to prove that the seaweed ain't always greener, here are the previous week's drawings.  It was pretty rough returning from Disneyland after Spring Break.  Should've brought a sketchbook and drawn while standing in line.

Apr 4, 2011

Last night's Hangover..

Last night I finished up my latest Character Design project, which was to take a movie and draw four characters from it in an animated series style.  I was at first thinking the classic Back to the Future, but then I remembered--vaguely and with help from Google--that they had already created a cartoon series for it!  Grrr...

My second choice was the modern-day classic, The Hangover.  Pretty sure that there's no series based on this least not until the world feasts their eyes on these amazing character designs!:

I ended up going with a Stephen Silver-esque style, probably because I've seen him do similar things with movies like Clerks, Indiana Jones, The Goonies, etc.  Could be developed further and revised, but when you've only got a week to do things before starting on new things, you've just got to stay on the horse and keep riding.  On to the next project!  Heeyaw!

Apr 1, 2011

Two portraits walk into a bar... says, "This looks like a good place to hang."

Now that the Fozzie Bear jokes are over, here's the portrait drawing I did today of the beautiful Simone (who asked to take a picture of it stating that "My mom appreciates it."):
I think it's my best portrait yet!  I might just marry it.  And then there's the one from last week, which Nicolas kept to grade as a midpoint test (I got an "A-" on it, Victor).  It's the "frog-faced" model guy with an afro wig:
Love that guy.  No less than two (2) drawings of him exist in my portfolio.  True story.

All original artwork © 2020 Casey Lowe, unless otherwise noted. Blog powered by Blogger.