
Feb 10, 2013

Composition Studies - North by Northwest

It has been far too long since I sat down and drew up some composition studies from a well-shot movie!  (Not since the summer of 2011, actually)  Previously, I had done some for the Coen Brothers' version of True Grit and for my favorite Harry Potter movie, Prisoner of Azkaban.  This time around, I watched the classic Hitchcock film North by Northwest.  My new scanner doesn't exactly do subtle too well, but my drawings look something like this...

These were drawn in my huge Moleskine A3 sketchbook.  Sharpie fine point pen to draw everything in, then Prismacolor warm greys (10%, 30%, 60%, occassional 80%).

So much richness in the lighting of these shots that I wasn't able to capture very well with the markers (and the poor scans don't help).  I think I'll try doing these with pencil next time.  Stay tuned...

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