
Nov 7, 2011

Jack and the Netherlands

So, here's something pretty different:

Not long ago, I was contacted by Delana Arnold, a resident of the Netherlands who stumbled upon my Jack and the Beanstalk artwork.  She was working on a project of her own for school where she had to animate the story using After Effects and 3D layers and asked if she could use my drawings for her project.  Naturally, I was flattered and 1000% allowed it.  Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to help her out with any new drawings, so she had to seek out other sources for some characters and story moments that I didn't get to.  Regardless, the end result is nothing short of amazingly awesome!  Sit back, relax, and thoroughly enjoy...

Pretty darn neato, huh?!?  Be sure to post some YouTube comments about how your breath was taken away!

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Video created by:
Delana Arnold
DeeSign Multimedia

All original artwork © 2020 Casey Lowe, unless otherwise noted. Blog powered by Blogger.