Jun 18, 2009

The iMac

It's been a long, long time since I've posted anything. I had to miss my last two Figure Drawing classes due to a Taylor Swift concert and a trip to San Francisco and to Minnesota. My cousin graduated from college!! Good for her! And San Francisco is truly beautiful; it will be a real adventure to live there for a few years. Oh, and I did get accepted into the Masters program at The Academy of Art University studying Animation & Visual Effects!!! :) So, that's why I haven't posted anything. Busy getting all that together, planning the move to SF, and now my summer Online classes have started. Lots of stuff going on. BUT, I did find time to get myself a new computer...and not just any computer--I got an iMac! Here are some pictures I took as I opened and began to enjoy:

It's a 24 incher. Wireless keyboard and mouse. Plus, it came with a free iPod Touch!! I was originally looking at Macbook laptops, but this was actually cheaper and...it just looks cool. Still playing around and discovering stuff. Just need to figure out how I'm going to get it out to San Francisco...

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