Oct 14, 2009

How the West was Fun!

For the past three weeks, my homework in my "Head Drawing" class has been to copy an old black & white photograph onto 18x24" paper using charcoal. The teacher generously let me borrow a page from his book (literally) and below is the result:
It's John Wayne. Again, I get horrible lighting in my student housing apartment, so I had to do some adjustments in Photoshop and I think the quality is lost. You get the idea, though.

The Clothed Figure Drawing Head Drawing

So lately, with the last half of my Clothed Figure Drawing class, the teacher has been having us drawing the human head. Which is weird, because I'm pretty sure I'm also taking a class called "Head Drawing." Even weirder? I'm also drawing heads in my "Drawing from Imagination" class. Anywho, here's the head I drew tonight. I think it turned out pretty good (unfortunately, the photo is not the best quality, so there is some detail lost):

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