Nov 3, 2010

Shuttle Shorts

Good news everyone!  My hiatus from Blog posting has not been without good reason: I've had to nail down my three story ideas for my Thesis Project.  And that "good news" that I mentioned earlier?  It's that I've finally nailed them down. :^)  The next step is to really start fleshing things out, and I came to a realization that I haven't actually boarded anything in over a year!  Yikes!  So, I've decided to brush the dust off my Mad Skillz with some short little sequences based on things I find funny and/or have overheard on various Academy of Art Shuttle trips.  Shuttle Shorts, they shall be called.  Hopefully this will help sharpen my neglected story senses, because this first one is pretty rough...


Sorry.  I'm trying not to throw myself all over you.

I'm going to pretend that's because you find me irresistible and not because of the laws of physics.

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