Jul 26, 2012

The New LoweQuality.com!

With the artwork for my thesis finished, the past few weeks have been spent putting together all the deliverables for my Final Review, including an "Art of..." book of my thesis artwork and my actual portfolio.  For those who are curious, my book ("The Thesis Art of Casey Lowe.") can be viewed here.  In fact, you can even order yourself a copy at publication cost, in both soft and hard cover.  Pretty neat.

My portfolio can be viewed online via my newly revamped website, LoweQuality.com.
Now, it's on to the future and getting my foot in the door of that first industry job.  Until then...

Jul 2, 2012

RETAILiation - Final Storyboards

A little over a year ago, I began work on my thesis at the Academy of Art University.  As a student focusing on Storyboarding, my thesis had to consist of three different storyboarded sequences.

I developed an epic opus about animals in a Garden of Eden-type setting where the food chain first begins that was watered down to become the award-winning Fuzzy, Fury Rescue Friends.

I played around with the idea of throwing Mr. Bean into the world of James Bond and created The Briefcase Briefing.

But last summer, I began working on my television series concept revolving around three college-aged characters stuck in a retail job that don't know where to go next with their life.  While I have previously posted the character designs and initial storyboards I created back then, this summer things have come full circle, and I am pleased to announce that RETAILiation is finally finished, thus ending my thesis work!  :^)

Please enjoy the final storyboards and character design sheets:
RETAILiation Storyboards

Of course, there are still several things to do before my final review, but the hard part is now finished.  I look forward to closing this chapter of my life and beginning the next one.  Methinks it just may be the best yet!  I hope you'll stay tuned...

All original artwork © 2024 Casey Lowe, unless otherwise noted. Blog powered by Blogger.